Thursday, May 29, 2008


There is one thing that irritates more then anything else and that is the ongoing struggle for taller people to find clothes that properly fit them. Countless times I've been restricted to the strangest of clothes just because my legs are five inches longer then everyone elses. Well I'm tired of wearing clown pants and shirts with pictures of Bob the builder on them, why can't retailers offer more options. My tall and slender build has filled my dresser with ankle exposing pants, shorts that are just a bit to short and shirts made for five year old's (simply because they are all i can where without my shirt looking like a skirt) for my entire life. Even now with my obvious style enhancements my clothing options only get worse as my refined tastes limit my already non-existent choices. Clothes retailers across the country have ridiculously decided to have a limit on how long or wide they make their products, leaving me and many others exposing our mid-drifts everyday, as our pants hang low in attempt to hide our ankles and our shirts ride up due to our over bearing shoulders. This sometimes horrific display of fashion is not our fault, we are simply trying to deal with the ignorance of those who create these so called trends. Until this size issue is fixed I'm forced to scavenge through countless racks in hopes I may one day find a pair of pants with a 36 incl leg instead of the regulatory 34.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Juornal #1: Angles and Demons

The quote I have chosen from Angles and Demons is a statement that raises some very philosophical questions, "Science and Religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand." page 88. Perhaps the most obvious question is, are science and religion really that different? In my personal opinion they aren't, there's no denying that they have different views but at the end of the day there both just searching for answers. The only difference between the two is one relies on fact verses faith to find the answers to those questions. Despite this the two are very similar to communism and facism on the political spectrum, their rules and goals are very different but if you stretch the spectrum into a full circle you realize that both use very similar methods to achieve those rules and goals. For hundreds of years man kind has seen religion rule as the dominating force of all our beliefs. Until in more recent years where science has began to catch up to religion and has given us so much more to believe in then just faith itself. Right now the two seem like such opposites, and their views easily contradict each other, however maybe there will come a time when the two can exist in harmony and people will be able to be both religious and scientific.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss

Hgygjgguytgghjuwiueurbcnds..... what I just typed makes no sense but hey ignorance is bliss, and as long as I don't pay attention to the fact that there is a huge pile of word vomit at the beginning of my blog entry I don't have to worry about it. In fact there are many issues that people ignore everyday it's just not until a problem until if affects you or someone you know directly. However despite the millions of ignorant yet bliss full people that inhabit this world, sitting in their oh so comfortable kitchens sipping tea and watching TV there will always be the movers and the shakers. Many people strive to make a difference in other peoples lives and those are the truly bliss full people as they have the reassurance of helping others. The reason why there is so little of these types and so many ignorant stander buys is because the human population has gotten lazy, no one is willing to get up and help change things when they have everything they could ever want right at their fingertips. With more and more luxuries people have so many ways to enjoy themselves before they catch a little rest and relaxation instead of concerning themselves with those who are challenged to find the simplest of necessities. Personally I want to help but find it hard to relate to issues that I'm not familiar with, because after all here in North America we have a lot we take for granted

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

True Beauty

True beauty is definitely hard to define, it's a subject that everyone has a different opinion on, and an opinion that frequently changes at that. My definition of true beauty could be completely opposite that of the person sitting right next to me but I would never know as beauty isn't a very popular topic because it's personal. However I believe that in order to achieve true beauty there must be a flaw, as it is those flaws which bring us down to earth and it's those flaws that bring about true love. If someone can love not only you but all your flaws as well then you have achieved true beauty.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I find blogging to be an exciting difference from a classroom setting, however my lack of typing skills is definately a hinderance when trying to write a jaw dropping blog. Although I'am intrested in the idea of open ended topics where our blogs could lead to numerous new ideas and writing on topics that allow us to flex our imaginations rather then work with acctual facts. Not to mention everyone writing on one idea would be an entertaining expirience. The best way to mark our blogs would be with the six point scale, as everyone is already so accustome to that way of marking. I look forward to writing blogs on things that use our imaginations and bring up mind bending ideas.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Super Power

Super Power

If I had the opportunity to be a superhero my first choice would be to have abbs of steel, but considering I've already accomplished that one I may as well pick something else. So my next choice would be to have ability to be imperveous to any sort of pain or injury. If I knew that no matter what I did I wouldn't get hurt at all then I would be willing to do so much more. I mean I would completely dominate in dodgeball, I would be able to run around the gym and not have to cower in the corner with the fear of getting my face smashed in. However if I did have this power I would be obligated to be in a position where I could save people, like a firefighter. That way I could run in to burning buildings to save people without any fear what so ever. Plus weekends would be a blast, I could do all kind of risky extreme sports without worrying about injuring myself at all. Not to mention I could wear shorts, flip flops and no shirt in the middle of the winter, now that is the ultimate power.