Thursday, May 29, 2008


There is one thing that irritates more then anything else and that is the ongoing struggle for taller people to find clothes that properly fit them. Countless times I've been restricted to the strangest of clothes just because my legs are five inches longer then everyone elses. Well I'm tired of wearing clown pants and shirts with pictures of Bob the builder on them, why can't retailers offer more options. My tall and slender build has filled my dresser with ankle exposing pants, shorts that are just a bit to short and shirts made for five year old's (simply because they are all i can where without my shirt looking like a skirt) for my entire life. Even now with my obvious style enhancements my clothing options only get worse as my refined tastes limit my already non-existent choices. Clothes retailers across the country have ridiculously decided to have a limit on how long or wide they make their products, leaving me and many others exposing our mid-drifts everyday, as our pants hang low in attempt to hide our ankles and our shirts ride up due to our over bearing shoulders. This sometimes horrific display of fashion is not our fault, we are simply trying to deal with the ignorance of those who create these so called trends. Until this size issue is fixed I'm forced to scavenge through countless racks in hopes I may one day find a pair of pants with a 36 incl leg instead of the regulatory 34.

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